Basketball Fever is quite an addictive and thrilling game where a player is to flick basketballs into hoops with breathtaking stadium views. Challenges are going to get harder and promise hours of entertainment with higher scores, promising fun and thrill for basketball lovers.
Best games similar to Basketball Fever
Other sports games you may like to play in the category are Basketball Fever. Prepare to see some great titles like Basketball Master, where you rule over the basketball, and even funny tennis gameplay, which is called Grimace Tennis.
Why should Basketball Fever be the game for you?
For lovers of basketball and casual video games, Basketball Fever is the far and away winner. Insanely addictive simplicity combined with striking visuals and challenges that ascend one after another equal hours of fun and adventure. Be it high scores or the mere satisfaction of sinking baskets, Basketball Fever engulfs players in game-playing excitement, always wanting more.
How to Play Basketball Fever
With this intuitive swipe gesture in Basketball Fever, he flicks the basketball into hoops. The game progresses from easy, where each hoop might be relatively within reach of the flick, to increasingly hard and more precise challenges. Experience the thrill of competing against yourself or your friends for higher scores and mastery in shooting hoops.